Baking Bad API v2


API base URI

To access API methods use this base URI:

Get bakers

Returns known public bakers, optionally including additional information such as configs, insurance, and contribution.

Note: if the baker is not found / doesn’t exist you will receive HTTP 204 - No content with an empty body.

// get all known bakers
GET {baseUri}/bakers
// get a baker by the specified address
GET {baseUri}/bakers/{address}

Query parameters (optional)

Parameter Type Description
accuracy string Filters bakers by payout accuracy. You can pass several values separated by comma, e.g. accuracy=precise,inaccurate,suspicious,no_data.
timing string Filters bakers by payout timing. You can pass several values separated by comma, e.g. timing=stable,unstable,suspicious,no_data.
type string Filters bakers by service type. You can pass several values separated by comma, e.g. type=tezos_only,multiasset,exchange,tezos_dune.
health string Filters bakers by health status. You can pass several values separated by comma, e.g. health=active,closed,dead.
insured boolean Filters bakers by insurance status. If true only insured bakers will be returned.
configs boolean Specifies whether or not bakers’ configs should be included in the response. By default false.
insurance boolean Specifies whether or not the insurance info should be included in the response. By default false.
contribution boolean Specifies whether or not the contribution info should be included in the response. By default false.

Example of a baker object:

  "address": "tz1WnfXMPaNTBmH7DBPwqCWs9cPDJdkGBTZ8",
  "name": "TezosHODL",
  "logo": "",
  "balance": 105478.194558,
  "stakingBalance": 813340.978283,
  "stakingCapacity": 1057012.665552,
  "maxStakingBalance": 1057012.665552,
  "freeSpace": 243671.6872690001,
  "fee": 0.08,
  "minDelegation": 10,
  "payoutDelay": 6,
  "payoutPeriod": 1,
  "openForDelegation": true,
  "estimatedRoi": 0.061357,
  "serviceType": "tezos_only",
  "serviceHealth": "active",
  "payoutTiming": "stable",
  "payoutAccuracy": "precise",
  "audit": "5de7d8f6b006b90008a9df9d",
  "insuranceCoverage": 0,
  "config": {},
  "insurance": {},
  "contribution": {}

Fields description

Field Type Description
address string Baker’s address.
name string Baker’s name (alias).
logo string URL to Baker’s logo. null if there is no logo.
balance number Current baker’s balance including deposits, rewards, and fees.
stakingBalance number Current baker’s staking balance.
stakingCapacity number Maximum staking balance that is covered by baker’s bonds (security deposit).
maxStakingBalance number stakingCapacity multiplied by maxStakingThreshold from config.
freeSpace number Current baker’s free space available for delegation.
fee number Baker’s fee which will be applied if you delegate right now.
minDelegation number Minimal amount to delegate.
payoutDelay number Delay in cycles before the baker pays rewards.
payoutPeriod number Periodicity in cycles of baker’s payouts. 1 - every cycle, 3 - once in three cycles, etc.
openForDelegation boolean Specifies whether the baker opened for delegation or not.
estimatedRoi number Estimated ROI per year for the delegator who has delegated to this baker.
serviceType string Indicates bakers service type. More details…
serviceHealth string Indicates bakers service status. More details…
payoutTiming string Indicates bakers payouts timing. More details…
payoutAccuracy string Indicates bakers payouts accuracy. More details…
audit string Shared link to randomly selected delegator used for audit.{audit}
config object Default baker’s config used in the delegators dashboard to audit payouts. More details…
insurance object Info about baker’s insurance. null if the baker is not insured. More details…
contribution object Info about baker’s contribution. null if the baker is not a contributor. More details…

Service Type

Value Meaning
tezos_only Baker runs only tezos node.
multiasset Baker is a multiasset pool, supporting different assets.
exchange This type is for exchanges only.
tezos_dune Baker runs both tezos and dune nodes.

Service Health

Value Meaning
active Baker is active.
closed Baker is closed and deactivated as a delegate in the blockchain.
dead There were no payouts for a long period of time.

Payout Timing

Value Meaning
stable Recent payouts time is in line with declared one.
unstable Recent payouts time is NOT IN LINE with declared one.
suspicious Recent payouts were missed for an unknown reason.
no_data No public payment data.

Payout Accuracy

Value Meaning
precise Recent payout amounts are equal to the expected rewards.
inaccurate Recent payout amounts are NOT EQUAL to the expected rewards.
suspicious Recent payouts were missed for an unknown reason.
no_data No public payment data.

Bakers configs

Field baker.config contains default bakers configurations used in the Baking Bad delegators dashboard to audit payouts.

Example of a config object:

    "address": "tz1WnfXMPaNTBmH7DBPwqCWs9cPDJdkGBTZ8",
    "fee": [
        { "cycle": 0, "value": 0.08 }
    "minDelegation": [
        { "cycle": 0, "value": 0.0 }
    "allocationFee": [
        { "cycle": 0, "value": false }
    "payoutFee": [
        { "cycle": 0, "value": false }
    "payoutDelay": [
        { "cycle": 0, "value": 6 }
    "payoutPeriod": [
        { "cycle": 0, "value": 1 }
    "minPayout": [
        { "cycle": 0, "value": 0.0 }
    "rewardStruct": [
        { "cycle": 0, "value": 1023 }
    "payoutRatio": [
        { "cycle": 0, "value": 666.0 }
    "maxStakingThreshold": [
        { "cycle": 174, "value": 0.91 }
    "openForDelegation": [
        { "cycle": 0, "value": true }
    "ignored": [
    "sources": [

Fields description

Field Type Description
address string Baker’s address.
fee number Baker’s fee.
minDelegation number Minimal amount to delegate.
allocationFee boolean Specifies whether the baker charges an allocation fee or not (when the delegator is emptied).
payoutFee boolean Specifies whether the baker charges payout tx fee or not.
payoutDelay integer Delay in cycles before the baker pays rewards. 1 - in the next cycle, 6 - when rewards are unfrozen, etc.
payoutPeriod integer Periodicity in cycles of baker’s payouts. 1 - every cycle, 3 - once in three cycles, etc.
minPayout number Minimal amount of a payout to send to the delegator.
rewardStruct integer 14-bits number - a set of flags which specify the way to count baker’s total reward. See more details below…
payoutRatio number Service field for better payouts matching.
maxStakingThreshold number Coefficient limiting the maxStakingBalance value
openForDelegation boolean Specifies whether the baker opened for delegation or not.
ignored string Service field for better payouts matching, omitted when null.
sources string Service field for better payouts matching, omitted when null.

Understanding configs series

As you can see almost all the config’s fields are arrays of objects with cycle and value fields. This is just a time-series that contain changes in the fields.

For example:

"fee": [
    { "cycle": 168, "value": 0.05 },
    { "cycle": 138, "value": 0.025 },
    { "cycle": 0, "value": 0 }

This means that from the beginning and up to the 137th cycle the fee was 0%, from the 138th cycle and up to the 167th cycle the fee is 2.5% and after the 168th cycle, the fee will be 5%.

Understanding reward struct

As it said rewards struct is just a set of flags, which can be parsed by this way:

let rewardStruct = 1023;
let extRewardStruct = {
    blocks: (rewardStruct & 1) > 0,
    missedBlocks: (rewardStruct & 2) > 0,
    endorsements: (rewardStruct & 4) > 0,
    missedEndorsements: (rewardStruct & 8) > 0,
    fees: (rewardStruct & 16) > 0,
    missedFees: (rewardStruct & 32) > 0,
    accusationRewards: (rewardStruct & 64) > 0,
    accusationLosses: (rewardStruct & 128) > 0,
    revelationRewards: (rewardStruct & 256) > 0,
    revelationLosses: (rewardStruct & 512) > 0,

Bakers insurance

Field contains information about the baker’s insurance status displayed in the Baking Bad rating.

Example of an insurance object:

    "address": "tz1P2Po7YM526ughEsRbY4oR9zaUPDZjxFrb",
    "insuranceAddress": "KT1T7fzoxZYACYwYcZn2fjfLoCKu2qRDKhBU",
    "insuranceAmount": 38415.14087,
    "coverage": 1.06

Fields description

Field Type Description
address string Baker’s address.
insuranceAddress string Address with insurance deposit used for compensating any insurance case.
insuranceAmount string Current insurance deposit.
coverage number Share of the current staking balance which is covered (insured). 1.06 means 106%.

Bakers contribution

Field baker.contribution contains information about baker’s contribution displayed in the Baking Bad bakers listing.

Example of a contribution object:

  "address": "tz1NortRftucvAkD1J58L32EhSVrQEWJCEnB",
  "title": "Community veteran",
  "link": "",
  "icon": ""

Fields description

Field Type Description
address string Baker’s address.
title string Contribution title
link string Contribution link
icon string URL path for contribution icon

Get rewards

Get delegation rewards for the specified baker and cycle, including the current payment model, reward split, and amounts to be paid to the delegators.


  • NOT SUPPORTED: payout models where minimum payout amount is set, or payout period is greater than 1 cycle;
  • If the payment model of the baker is not supported you will receive HTTP 400 - Bad request with an error message;
  • If the cycle is not valid you will receive HTTP 400 - Bad request with an error message;
  • If the baker is not found / doesn’t exist you will receive HTTP 204 - No content with an empty body;
GET {baseUri}/rewards/{address}?cycle={cycle}

Sample response:

    "cycle": 165,
    "bakerAddress": "tz1WnfXMPaNTBmH7DBPwqCWs9cPDJdkGBTZ8",
    "stakingBalance": 897324.559942,
    "totalReward": 548.409631,
    "totalPayout": 504.536861,
    "payoutModel": {},
    "rewardSplit": {},
    "payouts": []

Fields description

Field Type Description
cycle integer Cycle number this
bakerAddress string Baker’s address.
stakingBalance number Baker’s staking balance used in calculations
totalReward number Final result after applying reward mask to the reward split
totalPayout number Total reward minus baker’s fee
payoutModel object Payment scheme baker uses for the requested cycle. More details…
rewardSplit object All baker’s rewards and losses for the requested cycle. More details…
payouts array Payout info per each delegator with a positive balance. More details…

Payout model

This is actually just a different representation of the baker config data, taken for a particular cycle.

Field Type Description
fee number Baker’s fee
minDelegation number The lowest delegated amount the baker will accept in order to be included in the payouts.
minDelegationStakeDilution boolean All the rewards gained for delegations less than the minimum will be withheld by a baker, meaning no share dilution for the rest of delegators. Always false
payoutDelay integer Delay in cycles before the baker pays rewards. 1 - in the next cycle, 6 - when rewards are unfrozen, etc.
payoutFrequency integer The number of cycles in between payments. The default value of 1 means that the baker pays out every cycle.
minPayout number The minimum amount a baker includes in its payouts. The default value of 0 means there is no minimum.
bakerChargesPayoutTransactionFee boolean When baker makes a payout, the baker deducts the transaction fees from the payout.
rewardMask object Baker self-registry compatible representation of rewardStruct bitmask. More details…

Reward mask

Note that this is not an exact mapping of rewardStruct bits, some of them are inverted.

Field Type Description From reward struct
payForOwnBlocks boolean Baker pays out on rewards from own blocks (priority 0, misses excluded) !!(rs & 1)
payForStolenBlocks boolean Baker pays out on rewards from stolen blocks (priority > 0) !!(rs & 2048)
compensateMissedBlocks boolean When baker misses a block, baker still pays out as if it had not been missed !(rs & 1024)
payForEndorsements boolean Baker pays out on rewards from endorsements !!(rs & 2)
compensateLowPriorityEndorsementLoss boolean When baker endorses a block with a priority > 0, baker still pays out as if the block had been priority 0 !(rs & 8192)
compensateMissedEndorsements boolean When baker misses an endorsement, baker still pays out as if it had not been missed !(rs & 4096)
payGainedFees boolean Bakers pays out on fees collected from operations included in the blocks !!(rs & 4)
payForAccusationGains boolean Baker pays out on rewards from baking/endorsing accusations !!(rs & 8)
subtractLostDepositsWhenAccused boolean When baker loses deposit from being accused, the baker subtracts this loss from the payout and thus does NOT compensate for this loss !!(rs & 16)
subtractLostRewardsWhenAccused boolean When baker loses rewards from being accused, the baker subtracts this loss from the payout and thus does NOT compensate for this loss !!(rs & 32)
subtractLostFeesWhenAccused boolean When baker loses fees from being accused, the baker subtracts this loss from the payout and thus does NOT compensate for this loss !!(rs & 48)
payForRevelation boolean Baker pays out on rewards from including seed nonce revelation !!(rs & 128)
subtractLostRewardsWhenMissRevelation boolean When baker loses rewards from failing to reveal nonce, the baker subtracts this loss from the payout and thus does NOT compensate for this loss !!(rs & 256)
subtractLostFeesWhenMissRevelation boolean When baker loses fees from failing to reveal nonce, the baker subtracts this loss from the payout and thus does NOT compensate for this loss !!(rs & 512)

Reward split

Field Type Description
ownBlockRewards number Rewards from own blocks (priority 0, misses excluded)
stolenBlockRewards number Rewards from stolen blocks (priority > 0)
missedBlockRewards number Loss of rewards due to missed bakings (any priority)
endorsementRewards number Rewards from endorsements
lowPriorityEndorsementLoss number Loss of rewards due to the low priority of endorsed blocks (priority > 0)
missedEndorsementRewards number Loss of rewards due to missed endorsements
gainedFees number Fees for operations included in the baked blocks
accusationRewards number Rewards from double baking/endorsement evidence publishing
depositsLostDueAccusation number Deposit lost when baker is accused of double baking/endorsement (value <= 0)
rewardsLostDueAccusation number Rewards lost when baker is accused of double baking/endorsement (value <= 0)
feesLostDueAccusation number Operation fees lost when baker is accused of double baking/endorsement (value <= 0)
revelationRewards number Rewards from seed nonce revelations
rewardsLostDueRevelationMiss number Rewards lost when baker misses seed nonce revelation (value <= 0)
feesLostDueRevelationMiss number Operation fees lost when baker misses seed nonce revelation (value <= 0)

Payout item

Field Type Description
address string Delegator’s address
amount number Payout amount
snapshotBalance number Delegator’s snapshotted balance used in calculations


  • 14.01.2020 - v2 is released;
    • new logos’ base URL;
    • /aliases has been removed. Nevertheless, aliases are available directly in /bakers;
    • /bakers:
      • baker.rating has been removed;
      • baker.config.minBalance has been renamed to baker.config.minDelegation;
      • new fields have been added;
  • 08.11.2019 - /v1/rewards endpoint is added;
  • 10.09.2019 - v1 is released.