Baking Bad and most bakers were using wrong data to calculate Tezos staking rewards
Deep dive into the Tezos balance snapshots which used to calculate staking balances, delegator shares and Tezos staking rewards
Deep dive into the Tezos balance snapshots which used to calculate staking balances, delegator shares and Tezos staking rewards
Tezos smart contract explorer Better Call Dev update: new layout, dark theme, public API, dashboard, and other updates
Guide on How to migrate from Mystique (mimics the TzScan API) to TzKT Tezos Explorer API
Tezos staking rewards split, balance snapshots, advanced tezos baking rights, and more with blcokchain Indexer
Tezos stats on how much Tezos coins are in the staking with Deactivated bakers and Dead delegation services
Better Call Dev 2 - Tezos smart contract explorer with own blockchain indexer, an advanced queries to contract code, storage, and operations data and login with social accounts