# This article is out of date, please use the latest guide to verify your Tezos account.
This article may help you to verify your account on TzKT explorer and customize your profile by providing profile name, avatar and social links. Here are some instructions and answers for frequent questions.

Notice, that the alias updating may take up to 72 hours due to the high demand. Initially, alias tool was created for internal use to mark baker addresses and wasn't intended to be massive. Then we expanded it for startups and NFT platforms, and now it counts a thousands names and spreading via API, but at the moment we decided not to scale it to automatic tool in security and ethic reasons.
Because every alias is publically available on our explorer, and we will always remain meticulous about our projects.
If you have any problems with verification, contact us via contact us on Twitter or Telegram.
# I am an NFT artist. How to verify my account?
For personal accounts: to get verified on TzKT.io and services that uses TzKT API to get aliases, fill out this form and confirm the address ownership.
To confirm it you need to do 2 things:
1. Send the transaction to our special address TzKT-Verification tz1YUigABASqRUWAG97qHfHwYkYEGDk9q2Qv. Any amount will do. 0.000001 still count.
2. Follow our Twitter account
# What is an operation transaction hash?
This is the address of the transaction you sent. Where to find it:
Open it on TzKT
Enter your Tezos address in the search bar
Find your transaction in the list and click on it.
The details tab will appear on the right, find the "copy hash" icon and click it. That's it, now you can paste it into the form.
# How to verify KT-address for token or an asset?
For KT-addresses we are using the same form as for personal accounts, but confirming them in manual. So, fill the form and contact us via twitter or email us to hello@baking-bad.org
# I am a public baker. What should i do?
Contact us via Telegram, Discord or email us to hello@baking-bad.org to confirm your info and baker configuration, and we will update it. Also, we have a baker insurance program, you can check it out here.
# I want my DAPP to get listed. What to do?
We have a DAPPstore on our better-call.dev website. Here is a form for DAPPs listing.
# What if I haven’t a Twitter account?
You can send the form to our email address hello@baking-bad.org
# I sent a request. When will my data appear on the site?
Usually, new applications appear the next day, but it can take up to 72 hours in some cases. Please bear with us - we don't possess a substantional moderation resources
# My alias was added to the site, but I want to change my data. What should I do?
To update your profile, just submit a new application in our form. IMPORTANT: in the new application, specify ALL the data you want to be submitted. The blank fields will be removed from your profile.
# How do I delete an email or link from my profile?
See the previous item.
# My alias was added to the site, but my profile picture is still default. How come?
It is the often case that the picture is updated, but user see the old one because of cache files. The point is that both old and new pictures have the same name (your address). To fix this issue, restart your browser cache:
- Press Ctrl+Shift+Del (For Google Chrome)
- Choose cache files
- Confirm
# When I want to update my profile, should I pay again?
Transaction to our verification account is NOT a payment, it's the tz-address ownership confirmation, and may consist of a tiny amount. But yes, you have to make another transaction to prove that this request is made by you and not someone else.
# I sent a request, but it did not appear on the site.
You may have forgotten to fulfill the account verification conditions (see point 1). Such applications are filtered out. In addition, we will check the applications for violations of the terms
# The description disappeared from my profile. How come?
Description is a place where you can write a few words about yourself and your projects, and it is moderated. Please, be correct, write in English, and do not use the description for advertising or proclamations.
# My site did not appear on my profile. Why?
We only approve functioning websites with the HTTPS security protocol. Also, all the websites are moderated for compliance with the terms
# I have several tz (or KT) addresses. Can I add them from the same account?
Yes, fill out the form for each address and we will add them. IMPORTANT: TzKT-alias is a unique entity just like @username and cannot be repeated. So if you are Walter White, then for the second address you can make it, for example, Walter White 2
# How can I delete my alias?
Send your request to our email address hello@baking-bad.org and we'll remove all your data.