Tezos statistics released! TzKT explorer is evolving!

All of Tezos' key blockchain metrics on one page of TzKT explorer!

Omari   Follow

After a load of long and sleepless nights, our team is thrilled to introduce you to yet another feature on the Tezos blockchain explorer - TzKT Stats https://tzkt.io/stats!

The Stats was designed to reflect crucial metrics for Tezos ecosystem in the most compact and simple manner. Let’s examine this feature in detail. It won't be hard, you'll see.

So, let’s start from the top, the main page. There you can find a set of graphs grouped according to their purpose and colour-coded for convenient usage.

# What does the Page say? (It says:)

  • All the metrics are represented as cards showing graphs of various types. Those graphs picture the relevant data for the last 1-3 months.
  • You don’t even need a full-screen view to pre-assess this or that value of the graph. Just hover over it.
  • Nearly all the metrics have highlights that stand for value’s month total and its change indicator (corresponding with the last month total).


We keep working on extending the metrics list for better ecosystem analysis. In the nearest future we are going to introduce statistics for testnets and statistics by blocks, bakers and operations.

TzKT stats

# So, here's the graph page – a few tips to help you figure it out:

  • Under the title of the metric you can find a short description of the way the certain value is calculated.
  • On hovering, the tooltip appears and says date, value and measurement unit.
  • Just below the main graph there are all the rest metrics of the given group.
  • To change appearance or period just click on the respective button in the right upper corner.
  • To share the graph page in .png, .jpeg or .csv use the export button.
    Notice that the selected period and appearance settings are stored in the URL, as well, so you can simply share the link and people will see the same view. TzKT stats

As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts and ideas on Twitter, Discord and Telegram. Any feedback is much appreciated!