Better Call Dev Tezos contract explorer update on June 17th. Release notes

Added bookmarks, network information page, and reworked operation groups view

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The next update of BCD brings several changes, mostly aimed at improving the user experience.

List of changes in the interface:

  • Main Feature: Added bookmarking tool, now you can select frequently used contracts and not have to search for them every time. Also, you can set your own name for contracts in your favorites. Bookmarking-tool
  • A page with network information has been added. There you can also find recently used contracts and a list of global constants. Network-information-page
  • The interface of the operations groups page has been redesigned for a more convenient view. Network-information-page
  • The transfers tab is no longer available on BCD and completely replaced by the according tab in TzKT Explorer. However, transfers are still available via BCD API Network-information-page
  • Bug fixes.